Tagged: Madonna

Like A Virgin

30 years ago I set sail on this journey!

We certainly got emotional reading Madonna’s latest Instagram post: 30 years ago i set sail on this journey! Thank you to anyone and everyone who helped me along the way #livingforlove

November 12, 1984

Madonna’s second studio album was released on this day 30 years ago.

“Like A Virgin” was officially released three times to date – the original release on November 12, 1984 from Sire Records, its worldwide re-release in 1985 with the inclusion of “Into the Groove” as a bonus track, and the remastered release from Warner Bros in 2001, with two bonus remixes. Read More


Diplo talks Madonna and Nicki Minaj Collaboration

Diplo and Skrillex stopped by Ebro’s show on Hot 97 to talk not only their music, dates and beefs but also revealed that we can expect a crazy song from Madonna featuring Nicki Minaj.

Check out what he said in the video below from Def Pen Radio – around the 10 minute mark. Read More

Madonna and Mert Alas

They made it through the wilderness

Lots of excitement in Madonnaland this morning as the images posted by Madonna and Mert Alas on Instagram clearly hinted that something big happened on Sunday.

You probably did not miss that in her images Madonna tagged both art director Giovanni Bianco and photographer Mert Alas from the Mert and Marcus duo — together with her longtime stylist Arianne Phillips — and in her previous post last night she had a nod for Prada and Miu Miu’s Fabio ZambernardiRead More

Madonna's Instagram

Ready for my close up!

New updates from Madonna’s Instagram tonight – including a tag for Prada and Miu Miu’s longtime design director Fabio Zambernardi, and more interesting things going on at Mert Alas’ and Giovanni Bianco’s profiles… Read More

Like A Virgin 30th Anniversary

She made it through the wilderness

And it’s time for Madonna herself to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “Like A Virgin” with this image shot on the set of the Mary Lambert-directed video in Venice – and as a caption the song line that probably has the most up-to-date meaning thirty years later. Read More

MadonnaTribe meets Maripol

MadonnaTribe meets Maripol

When you think of “Like A Virgin” one of the most striking images that come to mind is the unique look created by the one and only Maripol, the famous art director, stylist, designer... Read More

Madonna's Instagram

An evening with David Blaine

Madonna seemed to have quite a magic evening as she posted these two Instagram images of American magician and illusionist David Blaine – and an interesting @interview link in one of the captions: An... Read More