Tagged: Madonna


Mike Tyson Talks ‘Intense, Crazy’ Cameo on Madonna’s Rebel Heart

When Madonna released the finished track list for her upcoming album Rebel Heart earlier this week, the most conspicuous guest star wasn’t Nicki Minaj, Nas or Chance the Rapper. That distinction fell to Mike Tyson, who appears with the singer and Chance the Rapper on new track Iconic.

And while Tyson hasn’t heard the finished track yet (a leaked demo of the song only featured Madonna), the former boxer-turned-actor tells Rolling Stone that his role was similar to his 1998 appearance as a hype man on battle rapper Canibus’ “Second Round K.O.” Read More


Channeling Francis Bacon!

The Rebel Heart era is set to start off with the biggest bang as the Queen of all Teasing posted on her Instagram an image where she channels Francis Bacon’s Study for a Bullfight No.1. Isn’t this going to be epic? Read More


Alpine Revolution

From Madonna’s Instagram:

Farmers on Fleek!

On the. Chair lift today! 2015 already looking good! #revolution ❤️#rebelheart #livingforlove

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Grand Cru

It was a very good year

From Madonna’s Instagram:

It was a very good year,,,,,,,,,,,,❤️#rebelheartl

From Mert Alas’ Instagram:

My new girlfriends favourite champagne #rebeheart @madonna  Read More

Instagram Rebel Hearts

More Rebel Hearts on Madonna’s Instagram

It seems that Madonna keeps having a great time updating her Instagram with various references to the Rebel Heart artwork and imagery – with a great mix of some more serious images and some totally hilarious ones.

The Rebel Heart who made me! ❤️❤️❤️#rebelheart #livingforlove

This made me laugh………❤️#rebelheart #illuminati #bitchimmadonna

Im reading a new book! #unapologeticbitches ❤️#rebelheart

One of my favorite Rebel Hearts!❤️#rebelheart

A True Rebel Heart! I Love it! ❤️#rebelheart #unapologeticbitch

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Cosmo Girl

Madonna the Cosmo Girl

It ain’t over ’til it’s over! Some more major teasing from Madonna‘s Instagram – and a special appearance on the profile of photographer Ellen Von Unwerth:

Diamonds are an #unapologeticbitches best friend ❤️ #rebelheart

Love thy haters as thyself! #rebelheart verse 313……….❤️#livingforlove

Today I’m a Cosmo Girl Living for Love❤️#rebelheart

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Rebel Heart

The ‘Rebel Heart’ heart

Mert Alas on Instagram reveals in full the third official image from the Rebel Heart project that was previously used by Madonna in her post about Nicki Minaj’s new album (and eagle-eyed fans won’t miss the detail of Madonna’s nail art which is the same that appears in the picture currently used to promote the album on iTunes). Read More

Rebel Heart salutes The Pinkprint

Rebel Heart salutes The Pinkprint!

Madonna on Instagram shouts out at Nicki Minaj and her The Pinkprint album:

Rebel Heart salutes The Pinkprint! Here’s to another great collab! @nickiminaj @madonna Best of luck with your new record! #rebelheart #pinkprint #unapologeticbitches

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