Like a diamond on Oscar night
From Madonna’s Instagram: “Shining bright like a diamond on oscar night thanks to @chimentojewels @neillanejewelry @loreerodkin @jacobandco”
From Madonna’s Instagram: “Shining bright like a diamond on oscar night thanks to @chimentojewels @neillanejewelry @loreerodkin @jacobandco”
From Madonna’s “I’m Going To Tell You A Secret” tour documentary, which was originally released on DVD, is now available on iTunes. The 2-hour documentary directed by Jonas Akerlund follows Madonna and her... Read More
From Madonna’s Instagram: “2 sides of the same coin . The Sun and the Moon! #love 4ever”
From Madonna’s Instagram: “The Oscar goes to Party ## 7!!!!! #revolutionoflove” “Im just sayin……………… #speakthetruthandshamethedevil”
“Madonna only called me The Punisher because I told her to get out of her house and promote a movie. In a world where so many people say, ‘Oh, Madonna, if you want to... Read More
From Madonna’s Instagram: “It takes 10 riot police to take down tiny Masha from Pussy Riot for protesting the harsh sentence given to 7 people arrested and given a 4 yeAr jail sentence for... Read More
Madonna used the “censored” sticker from the Studio app to edit a picture that was previously removed from her Instagram: “Fight for the right to be free! Fight Fascism and discrimination everywhere! Free Venezuela... Read More
From Madonna’s Instagram: “Are you kidding me? Are the police in Russia actually whipping Pussy Riot for making music on the streets? Is this the dark ages? GOD bless P. R. They are fearless!... Read More
French artist and Madonna friend JR was recently invited by the New York City Ballet to create a large-scale art installation for their 2014 Art Series, on view at three special performances on January... Read More
From Madonna’s Instagram: “See This Brilliant Film! OMAR! Opening Feb 21st! #artforfreedom #revolutionoflove”
From Madonna’s Instagram: “We don’t mess around on Presidents day! David rides his white pony! #superbanda”