Category: MadonnaTribe


MadonnaTribe presents Decade: Ten Years of Madonna News

The MadonnaTribe Team is happy to announce our latest feature: Decade.

When we worked on the new version of the website last year we had the chance to look into all the archived versions of MadonnaTribe, their different features, layouts, graphics, logos and most of all the amount of news – from exclusive scoops to fan-shared memories, we posted since we first launched back in 2003. We immediately realized we had a little big treasure in our hands and we didn’t want to lock it in some dusty vaults.

DecadeTen Years of Madonna News makes all the website’s news items published from June 2003 to December 2013 available again, a decade of Madonna news  now back online on the same platform we’re running this main News page on.

Whether you feel nostalgic and want to look back at your favourite Madonna moments from a few years ago, or you want to keep track of how many times the Queen of Pop appeared on the cover of a certain magazine, or you want to check out when the Madonna Tour presale was announced last time, Decade is there for you. Read More


Mike Tyson Talks ‘Intense, Crazy’ Cameo on Madonna’s Rebel Heart

When Madonna released the finished track list for her upcoming album Rebel Heart earlier this week, the most conspicuous guest star wasn’t Nicki Minaj, Nas or Chance the Rapper. That distinction fell to Mike Tyson, who appears with the singer and Chance the Rapper on new track Iconic.

And while Tyson hasn’t heard the finished track yet (a leaked demo of the song only featured Madonna), the former boxer-turned-actor tells Rolling Stone that his role was similar to his 1998 appearance as a hype man on battle rapper Canibus’ “Second Round K.O.” Read More