Author: MadonnaTribe

Madame X returns on stage

Tonight’s show at the Coliseu dos Recreios started at 10.58 PM, making it the latest start so far in Lisbon. The fans didn’t bothered, as they were happy to see Madonna back on stage.... Read More

“I won’t stop ’til I drop”

The third Madame X theatre show in Lisbon started much later last night, at 10.52 PM. It was a great show, just a little shorter than the two previous shows at the Coliseu dos Recreios, lasting slighty less than 2hours and ½, therefore finishing at 1.15 AM. Read More

Opening night in Lisbon

Madonna brought her Madame X theatre show back to where it all begun performing at the Coliseu dos Recreios in Lisbon last night. Check out what the lucky Tribers who attended shared on the Forum. Read More

Madame X Tour ad in the Evening Standard

While Madame X gets ready to bring her theatre show to Europe performing dress rehearsals at the Coliseu dos Recreios ahead of the first show in Lisbon on Sunday night, today’s edition of the Evening Standard runs this full size advertisement for the fifteen London dates at The Palladium.
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