Author: MadonnaTribe

Rebel Hearts

‘Let’s celebrate them!’

Madonna shared some thoughts and made her true intentions clear after the controversy that spread over the internet media following her re-posting on Instagram fan-made images of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Bob Marley last night. Today she also celebrated John Lennon, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Princess DianaRead More

Reebel Hearts

Love, Freedom, Dreams

From Madonna’s Instagram: This❤️#rebelheart sang about ONE LOVE! This❤️#rebelheart fought for freedom! This ❤️#rebelheart had a dream!


Alpine Revolution

From Madonna’s Instagram:

Farmers on Fleek!

On the. Chair lift today! 2015 already looking good! #revolution ❤️#rebelheart #livingforlove

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‘Last day of 2014! So lucky and grateful am I’

Madonna’s latest posts on Instagram are a nice message of farewell to year 2014 sent from the Swiss Alps:

Last day of 2014! So lucky and grateful am I #livingforlove ❤️#rebelheart

Last sunset of the year! Good-bye 2014! Je t’ai aime! Je ne t”ai pas aime! #livingforlove

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Rebel Heart

There are those who want to shut me up but they cannot!

From Madonna’s Instagram:

There are those who want to shut me up but they cannot! We still live in a world that discriminates against women. Their are People that are so hateful. they want to create feuds between strong women that do not exist! I do not wish ill will towards any other female artist and i never have! The World is big enough for all of us! I will fight for my rights as an artist, a human and a woman till the end of my days! Because i am a ❤️#rebelheart and i walk in the footsteps of giants and i will not apologize Or defend my unpublished, unfinished, STOLEN work. If you don’t like who i am or what I have to say then why are you reading this? #unapologeticbitch. P.S. Do not post hateful words about other people on my page either. If you are my fan speak no evil! #livingforlove

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