Author: MadonnaTribe


Ghosttown is the second single from Rebel Heart

Hardly a news, as the album stickers we showed you a few weeks ago were certainly a strong hint and we were also among those who were told, and reported that the beautiful Ghosttown was strongly considered as the follow-up to Living For Love in the new era.

At the taping of the Madonna special episode last night Jonathan Ross gavethe heartfelt ballad co-penned by his guest together with Jason Evigan, Sean Douglas and Evan Bogart the official seal when he announced it as the second single from the Rebel Heart album. Read More

Madonna at the Brit Awards 2015

All Hail The Queen

Our friends at the London Madonna Fan Party collected quotes from the celebrities that praised and showed their support to Madonna after she showed the world how to recover from being pulled down on the Brit Awards stage when your cape fails to detach. Read More

Tour special pre-sale on

With announcing their own initiative today, Italy joins Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark and Spain in the series of dedicated pre-sales from local online music and media retailers which will give early access to tickets for the dates of the upcoming Madonna Tour in those countries. Read More

Rainbow Tour

Look Out, Mighty Europe!

The Brits performance – the second international award show in less than a month – marked the start of the second batch of promotion for the Rebel Heart album.

Madonna crossed the pond for last night’s event and will continue to promote her new record across Europe for the next couple of weeks.

As the Tribers already know the Queen of Pop will appear in three different prime-time talks shows in France, Italy and the UK.

Follow us in a a recap of Madonna’s upcoming appearances. Read More