Madonna is bringing her Rebel Heart to the Grammy’s stage
With a triplet of images on her Instagram profile (which as usual are likely to be re-posts of some of her fans’ artwork) Madonna announces her appearance at the 57th Grammy’s on February the 8th.
As usual, the people she tagged on her posts are strong hints of what to expect – among the names in last night’s images are stylist B Akerlund and dancers/choreographers Loic Mabanza, Marvin Gofin, Chaz Buzan and Lil Buck.
Madonna’s publicist Liz Rosenberg also confirmed the news with a post on the social media:
Madonna is bringing her #rebelheart to @theGRAMMYs stage 2.8.15 #GRAMMYs
Madonna herself first hinted at a possible appearance at the Music’s biggest night in her Q&A with Billboard‘s Keith Caulfield last month. As the MadonnaTribers remember, performers at the Awards show have to be current nominees, special honorees, or team up with an artist who is a nominee – in the same way Madonna performed the Feel Good, inc / Hung Up mash-up with the Gorillaz in 2006. Let the speculation begin!
Rebel Hearts see you Feb 8th @theGRAMMYs #GRAMMY’s ❤️#rebelheart

(gb65 loicmabanza marvingofin mozellamusic madonna guyoseary chazbuzan mertalas diplo lilbuckdalegend tobygad)
Blood ❤️Sweat and Tears @theGRAMMY’s ! #livingforlove ❤️#rebelheart
#livingforlove @theGRAMMY’s! ❤️#rebelheart #revolutionoflove #artforfreedom