Jeremy Scott on Madonna and being a Leo
The Cut at NY Magazine sat down with designer Jeremy Scott ahead of a his retrospective book, out this week from Rizzoli.
Jeremy, who among his multitude of creations has contributed some of the most colourful costumes for several Madonna live shows, had a few words about how Madonna taught him about being a Leo.
In the acknowledgments of this book, you thank Madonna for teaching you about being a Leo. What did she teach you?
She very astutely pointed out, when she realized that I was a Leo as she is, that we have a hard time asking for people’s help. Even in the most small way, it’s very difficult. She helped me get better about it, because I didn’t realize how bad I was about asking for people to help in any kind of way, because I guess we’re fiercely independent and feel like we have to do things on our own or whatever. But I’ve been better about realizing that it’s fine, I’m human, I can ask for people’s help, and it’s not a bad thing. So she definitely helped, and I’ll remember it all the time. There will be things where I’ll be all clammed up inside, and it’s like, It’s okay, you can ask.
Yeah, remember what Madonna taught you.