”As of yet”
Guy Lawrence from Disclosure talk again about the Madonna rumour in the band’s interview with DazedDigital.com.
Dazed: So there’s no truth to the rumour that working with a certain popstar called Madonna?
Guy Lawrence: Ah! It’s weird how people assume when you meet famous people you’re instantly collaborating with them. All we did was take a photo with her! Basically she came to our show, and we met her, and that’s why we took that photo. It was the first time we’d met her. But no, we haven’t made any music together as of yet.
Dazed: As of yet…?
Guy Lawrence: No, we just hung out with her a little.
Dazed: What was Madonna like?
Guy Lawrence: Oh she’s wicked. Really nice, really chilled. She came to Governors Ball, and the night before she came to see us DJ somewhere. She didn’t tell anyone she was going, she just turned up. And she didn’t make a scene, it was cool. It was amazing that she wanted to meet up at all.
Dazed: Did she say she liked Settle? Does she have a favourite song?
Guy Lawrence: Yeah she was really nice about it, basically she said was a big fan. She said she liked the album and she loved the show. It was just one of those things.
Dazed: It’s a shame you’re not working with her though isn’t it?
Guy Lawrence: Hmm!
Read the full interview on DazedDigital.com